marți, 11 martie 2008

Torment of the Worgen

I did this. I don't remember doing it. But it
cannot be otherwise.

I have committed sins in my life before. I
even killed a man once who didn't deserve
it. But this is different.

I am changed.

These murders were not my choice. A
beast lives inside me.

I will be hunted and shunned. I need to
hide. Run. Bury my bodies.

I start to walk outside when I realize
what truly bothers me.

I feel no guilt.

4 comentarii:

Poopics spunea...

bua bro :)) e ok blogu`

dar mai lasa jocurile :|

si melodia e marfa:d

hay stf ^_^!

Keyra spunea...

normal ca e melodia marfa , de la mine o stie :-" , super blog-ul dar dupa parerea mea...era mai interesant daca iti puneai gandurile si ideile in legatura cu o anumita chestie...oricum sor'ta are dreptate LASA JOCURILE :* :D

Mystify spunea...

[-X [-( , melodia de la mine o stie...ehh frumos blog....dar scoate-ti jocurile din cap :P , pupici dulci :*

Anonim spunea...

nice nice nice :->:->:-> :*:*:*